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 Oggetto del messaggio: Amherst 2019 Railroad Hobby Show
MessaggioInviato: domenica 15 settembre 2019, 8:42 
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Iscritto il: sabato 4 luglio 2009, 22:25
Messaggi: 4040
Località: Brescia
l'Amherst Railway Society è una comunità di persone che condividono il fascino delle ferrovie.

Ogni anno alla fine di gennaio o all'inizio di febbraio, l'Amherst Railway Society organizza il suo Railroad Hobby Show presso l'Eastern States Exposition Fairgrounds a West Springfield, nel Massachusetts.

Amherst 2019 Railroad Hobby Show - Part 1

Video taken at the Amherst 2019 Railroad Hobby show on January 26th, 2019. Part 1 focuses on layouts and manufactures in Hall BLC. Layouts shown are Amherst Belt Lines, Northeast N-Trak and O Scale Kings.

Amherst 2019 Railroad Hobby Show - Part 2

Part 2 focuses on layouts and manufactures in Hall BLC. Layouts shown are Hub Division Modular Group, an N-Scale logging layout, a G-Scale layout (Chester & Becket Layout) and Valley HO track modules.

Amherst 2019 Railroad Hobby Show - Part 3

Part 3 focuses on layouts and manufactures in Halls Young and Stroh. Layouts shown include Central New York Modelers, M&P HO Scale and Kenwood & Lynnville Switching layouts.

Amherst 2019 Railroad Hobby Show - Part 4

Part 4 focuses on layouts and manufactures in Mallary Hall. Layouts shown include Narrangansett & Navigation Co, Dry Hill Model Railroad Club, European Train enthusiasts and some more.

Amherst 2019 Railroad Hobby Show - Part 5

Part 5 focuses on the "Four County Society of Model Engineers HO Scale layout and follows a long freight train around the layout. Part 5 also contains a slide show of various pictures taken during the show.

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